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  • hedge in
  • 生垣     生垣 いけがき hedge
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • 巡らす     巡らす めぐらす to enclose (with) to surround (with) to encircle to think over to
  • 垣を巡らす     1. encircle with a fence 2. enclose with a fence 3. put a fence around [round]
  • 垣を巡らす    1. encircle with a fence 2. enclose with a fence 3. put a fence around [round]
  • 庭に垣を巡らす    put up a fence around a garden
  • 池に垣を巡らす    fence off a pond
  • 塀を巡らす    塀を巡らす へいをめぐらす to fence in to surround with a wall
  • 柵を巡らす    1. enclose with a palisade 2. fence around 3. fence off 4. fence up 5. rail in
  • 策を巡らす    1. draw up a plan 2. work out a scheme
  • 頭を巡らす    turn one's head around
  • 城壁を巡らす    1. build walls round 2. surround with a rampart
  • 戦略を巡らす    1. elaborate a strategy 2. plan a strategy
  • 知謀を巡らす    plot and scheme
  • 策略を巡らす    1. devise a stratagem 2. pull a silly [stupid] stunt
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