Wealth is ripped away from people who shouldn't be called unproductive . つまり 生産性の低い所から 富が奪われるのです
Wealth is ripped away from people who shouldn't be called unproductive . つまり 生産性の低い所から 富が奪われるのです
Away from the least productive parts and towards the more productive parts 生産性の低い部分から高い部分へ 移動させます
Wealth is ripped away from people who shouldn't be called unproductive . つまり 生産性の低い所(言い方は悪いですが)から 富が奪われるのです
Wealth is ripped away from people who shouldn't be called unproductive . つまり 生産性の低い所(言い方は悪いですが)から 富が奪われるのです
On the other hand , property with low agricultural productivity could not sustain continuous cropping and property that was deliberately cultivated on alternate years was called kataarashi . その一方で農業生産性の低い土地では、連作が不可能なために人為的に耕作と休耕を繰り返す土地利用も現れたこうした土地を片荒(かたあらし)と呼んだ。