嫌疑を晴らす 嫌疑を晴らす v. clear O's name (人)の嫌疑を晴らす. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 嫌疑)
He refused , even to clear his own name . 彼は 拒否した 自分の疑いを晴らすことさえね
They're missing something , i know it . 疑いを晴らす何かを
In order to disprove his suspicion she made a pledge and then went into the birthing room . 疑いを晴らすため、うけいをして産屋に入った。
In order to disprove his suspicion konohana no sakuya-bime gave birth to three gods in fire , and hoderi was the oldest of the three . コノハナノサクヤビメがその疑いを晴らすために火中で生んだ三神の長子であった。
In order to disprove his suspicion konohana no sakuya-bime gave birth to three gods in fire , and hoori was the youngest of the three . コノハナノサクヤビメがその疑いを晴らすために火中で生んだ三神の末子であった。
However , benkei hits his master yoshitsune with his kongozue (a big walking stick used by a mountain priest in his training ), and so is able to satisfy their doubts . 弁慶は主君の義経を金剛杖で叩き、疑いを晴らす。
According to the section on the tenson-korin (the descent to earth of the sun-goddess ' s grandson ), konohanasakuyabime became pregnant after spending only one night with ninigi , who thought the father of the babies was a kunitsukami (earthly god ), and hosuseri no mikoto was a second child out of the three gods , who were born in a fire to eliminate ninigi ' s suspicion . 天孫降臨の段において、一夜で身蘢ったためにニニギに国津神の子ではないかと疑われ、コノハナノサクヤビメがその疑いを晴らすために火中で生んだ三神の第二子である。
In particular , it is well known that kokyu is played in the following scene: in ' the act of ' akoya-kotozeme ' of " dannoura kabuto gunki " (the war chronicles at dannoura ), akoya , a woman of peerless beauty intimate with aku shichibei kagekiyo (who has disappeared seeking for his enemy yoritomo ) is questioned severely about the whereabouts of kagekiyo , and the doubt is cleared because she splendidly played the koto (so ), the shamisen (shamisen for jiuta songs ) and the kokyu , with no confusion in the melodies she played . 特に『壇浦兜軍記』の「阿古屋琴責の段」では、頼朝を仇と狙い姿を消した、悪七兵衛景清の馴染みの傾城、阿古屋が景清の行方を詮議され、琴(箏)、三味線 (地歌三味線)、胡弓を見事に弾いて、その旋律に迷いがないことから、景清の行方を知っているのではないかという疑いを晴らすという場面で、胡弓が用いられることが有名である。