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  • patients with such serious illnesses as cancer and kidney failure
  • 腎臓     腎臓 じんぞう kidney
  • など     など 等 et cetera etc. and the like
  • どの     どの 何の which what 殿 person Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an envelope)
  • 重い     重い おもい heavy massive serious important severe oppressed
  • 病気     病気 びょうき illness disease sickness
  • にか     にか 二価 divalent
  • かか     かか 呵呵 sound of laughter
  • てい     てい 体 appearance air condition state form 剃 shave 偵 spy 停 stopping 弟 younger
  • いる     いる 鋳る 鑄る to cast to mint to coin 要る to need 煎る 炒る 熬る to parch to fry to fire
  • 患者     患者 かんじゃ a patient
  •      者 もの person
  • 重い病気にかかっている     have a serious medical condition
  • 腎臓病     腎臓病 じんぞうびょう kidney trouble or disease
  • かって     かって 曾て once before formerly ever former ex- never (with negative verb) 勝手
  • 重い病気     1. scrud〈米俗〉 2. serious case 3. serious complaint 4. serious illness 5.
  • 気にかかって     on one's mind
  • 病気にかかってい     【形】 down
  • 病気にかかっている     1. be under an attack of sickness 2. have a disease
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