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  • Stone Age culture


  • Applicable culture: paleolithic culture , jomon culture (ancient culture , japan ), and yayoi culture
  • The microblade-based culture in eastern japan and the knife-type stone tool-based culture in western japan coexisted for some time .
  • It is from the sites in (and after ) this jomon period , which falls under the neolithic culture , that the relics people of today regard as ' art ' can be found .
  • Except the shinokiyama remains and hasamiyama remains that belong to the knife-shaped stone tool-using culture period , all of the other remains belong to the microlithic culture period that followed .
  • The period when these stone tools were mainly used for production activities is called ' cultural period of stone tools resembling a knife ,' which lasted from 30 ,000 to 14 ,000 years ago .
  • Excavation and research in many places , including the iwajuku archaeological site (in gunma prefecture ), revealed that there had once existed a paleolithic culture on the japanese archipelago , but things that can be called art and design have rarely been found in the relics of the paleolithic culture .
  • Excavation and research in many places , including the iwajuku archaeological site (in gunma prefecture ), revealed that there had once existed a paleolithic culture on the japanese archipelago , but things that can be called art and design have rarely been found in the relics of the paleolithic culture .
  • The cultural region on kyushu island and the neolithic culture of the korean peninsula and the gulf of bo hai coast had many common elements such as chipped stone saws and assembled fishing needles; therefore , it is assumed that there were constant exchanges between the peoples and goods among these regions .
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