- vesturer
- 祭服 祭服 さいふく vestments worn by priests and attendants during a festival
- 係 係 かかり official duty person in charge
- 祭服 祭服 さいふく vestments worn by priests and attendants during a festival
- 司教祭服 pontificalia
- 肩に掛ける祭服 superhumeral《キリスト教》
- 祭日用に装飾品を作る make decorations for a holiday
- 祭殿 祭殿 さいでん shrine sanctuary
- 祭日を祝う 1. celebrate a festival 2. celebrate a holiday
- 祭盤 altar board《コプト教会》
- 祭日の重なる週末に on a holiday weekend
- 祭礼 祭礼 さいれい (religious) festival
- 祭日にはうちの家族が 3 世代みな一緒に食卓を囲む On holidays three generations of our family gather around the dining table.
- 祭祀 祭祀 さいし ritual religious service festival