- He took the liberty of using my car while I was away.
- 私の 【代名】 my
- 留守 留守 るす absence being away from home
- 勝手 勝手 かって kitchen one's own convenience one's way selfishness
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 留守中 留守中 るすちゅう during absence from home
- 勝手に 勝手に かってに arbitrarily of it's own accord involuntarily wilfully as one pleases
- 私の留守中に 1. during my absence from home 2. in my absence
- あなたは、好きなときに私の車を使える My car is at your service anytime you want.
- 誰かに私の車を荒された Someone vandalized my car.
- 私の留守[不在]中に何があった[起こった]のですか? What happened while I was away?
- 旅の間、友人は私のお金を好き勝手に使った My friend made free with my money during the trip.
- 彼が留守にしている間、私は彼の車を借りて使った。 I made use of his car while he is out of town.
- 妻の留守中の家事をする keep bachelor('s) hall〔夫が〕
- 私の車をじろじろ見るな。 Don't stare at my car.
- その車を買うのに、彼はずいぶん金を使った。 The car stood him lots of money.