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  • abruptly reverse one's earlier decision
  • 突然     突然 とつぜん abruptly suddenly unexpectedly all at once
  • 以前     以前 いぜん ago since before previous
  • 決定     決定 けってい decision determination
  • 覆す     覆す くつがえす to overturn to upset to overthrow to undermine
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • 以前の     以前の adj. *previous /prí?vi?s/ [限定] (時間?順序が)前の(?following)《◆
  • 決定を覆す     1. override the decisions 2. overrule a decision 3. overturn a ruling 4.
  • 決定を覆す    1. override the decisions 2. overrule a decision 3. overturn a ruling 4. reverse one's decision
  • 以前の決定を破棄する    overturn an earlier decision
  • 後から決定を覆す    move the goalposts〔特に秘密裏に〕
  • 決定を覆すこと    1. override 2. reversal of one's decision
  • 先週行われた決定を覆す    reverse a decision taken last week to〔~するという〕
  • 予定を覆す    upset a schedule
  • 突然の決定    abrupt decision
  • 事前の決定    prior determination
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