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"紙包み"の例文"紙包み" 意味"紙包み" 中国語の意味


  • 紙包み
    paper package
  • 包み     包み つつみ bundle package parcel bale
  •      み 巳 sixth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Serpent, 9am-11am, south-southeast,
  • 紙包みにする    wrap ~ in parchment~を;《料理》
  • 紙包み焼きの    en papillote〈フランス語〉《料理》
  • 紙包みにした箱    box wrapped in paper
  • 包み    包み つつみ bundle package parcel bale
  • 上包み    上包み うわづつみ cover wrapper envelope
  • 内包み    内包み innerwrap[化学]
  • 包み布    1. muslin wrapping 2. wrapping cloth
  • 包み板    wrapping plate
  • 包み物    包み物 つつみもの bundle package
  • 包み紙    包み紙 つつみがみ wrapping paper
  • 包み金    包み金 つつみがね つつみきん money tip wrapped in paper
  • 包み釦    包み釦 つつみぼたん covered button
  • 外包み    外包み lagging[機械]; outer-wrap[化学]; outerwrap[化学]


  • The fisherman opened the paper parcel , which he was not supposed to open , but inside there was only a bundle of kamoji .
  • When three months had passed the fisherman began to miss home , and he was given a paper parcel by the girl , being warned not to open it .
  • Fresh noodles (soba ), cut and dusted with flour , are available in various packaging such as wrapping paper , plastic bags and plastic boxes .
  • During which he presented agatha with a porcelain pendant and five dozen individually tissuewrapped white tulips in a box the size of a child's coffin .
    グスタフ氏はアガサに 磁器のペンダントと 子供の棺桶ほどの箱に入った 薄紙包みの白チューリップ 5ダースを贈呈した
  • According to the anecdote in the memoir of kiyotaka tochinishiki , when he was told that " it is chanko " and pushed to take a gift wrapped in paper just after promoted to ozeki (a sumo wrestler of the second highest rank ), he opened the gift , thinking that it would be a bento box or something , but it was 1 million yen .
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