世界経済の活性化と発展に直接貢献する contribute directly to the revitalization and development of the world economy
All a welcome shot in the arms of local economies . 「地域経済の活性化には 持って来いの状況」
As the amount of production of silver increased , and the commodity market in saigoku (the western province ) was becoming more and more active during the sengoku period , silver and rice , instead of coins , became a common basis for value . 戦国時代後期には銀生産量の増加や西国流通経済の活性化などから、銭に代わって銀や米が価値の基本となりつつあった。
Economic benefits in japan during the middle ages were monopolized by za (guilds ), toimaru (specialized wholesale merchants ) and kabunakama (trade associations ) but sengoku daimyo abolished these and , as well as attempting to establish absolute feudal rights , aimed to stimulate the economy by fostering emerging merchants and tradesmen via the reduction and exemption of taxes . 中世の経済的利益は座・問丸・株仲間によって独占され既得権化していたが、戦国大名はこれを排除して絶対的な領主権の確立を目指すとともに、税の減免を通して新興商工業者を育成し経済の活性化を図ったのである。