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"経理"の例文"経理" 意味"経理" 中国語の意味


  • 経理
  • 経理士     経理士 n. accountant 【C】 会計係, 会計士, 経理士;主計(官). (見出しへ戻る headword ? 経理)
  • 経理官    United States property and fiscal officer〔 【略】 USPFO〕《米》
  • 経理室    accountants' room
  • 経理局     【組織】 1. Bureau of Finance 2. Treasury Bureau
  • 経理屋    1. bean counter〔やや軽蔑的〕 2. bean-counting mind
  • 経理課     経理課 n. accounting section 【C】 (見出しへ戻る headword ? 経理)
  • 経理費    administration expense
  • 経理部    1. accountants' department 2. accounting department 3. accounting division 4. general accounting department [dept., division, div.] 5. paymaster's department
  • 不正経理    1. accounting gimmick [legerdemain] / bookkeeping deception / improper accounting 2. accounting irregularity〔通例複数形の irregularities で〕 3. false accounting 4. fraudulent accounting 5. illegal accounti
  • 不適正経理    improper accounting practice
  • 会計課、経理課     【組織】 Accounts Division
  • 損金経理    recognizing as expense
  • 森林経理    forest regulation
  • 森林経理学    1. forest management 2. forest regulation
  • 粉飾経理    fraudulent bookkeeping


  • President . we just received word from accounting
    社長。 今 経理から 連絡がありまして➡
  • President . we just received word from accounting
    社長。 今 経理から 連絡がありまして➡
  • There was no evidence of fraudulent accounting .
    不正経理の実態は やはり 見当たりませんね。
  • Aren't you in charge of accounting in your company ?
    あんた... 会社じゃ経理担当だろ?
  • When it comes to numbers concerning this company .
    経理の君ほど 詳しい人間はいないはずだ➡
  • Please take care of me . from our dispatch section .
    経理やら 雑用やら さしてもらいます。
  • That's what i want to know . tell me something , halliday .
    経理部長だろ 何とか言えよ
  • Currently the accounting department is looking for ways to
    弊社の開発資金は 今 経理部が
  • Currently the accounting department is looking for ways to
    弊社の開発資金は 今 経理部が
  • And since weiner and fish always overbill our clients anyway
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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