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"結腸癌"の例文"結腸癌" 意味


  • cancer [carcinoma] of colon / colon [colonic] cancer [carcinoma]
  • 結腸     結腸 けっちょう colon
  • 腸癌     cancer [carcinoma] of intestine / intestine [intestinal, bowel] cancer
  •      癌 がん cancer
  • 下行結腸癌    cancer [carcinoma] of descending colon / descending colon cancer [carcinoma]
  • 早期結腸癌    early-stage colon cancer [carcinoma] / colon cancer [carcinoma] in an early stage
  • 結腸癌増殖    colon cancer [carcinoma] growth [development]
  • 結腸癌成長    colon cancer [carcinoma] growth [development]
  • 結腸癌検診    colon cancer [carcinoma] screening
  • 結腸癌死    colon cancer [carcinoma] death
  • 結腸癌治療    colon cancer [carcinoma] treatment [therapy, care]
  • 結腸癌症例    colon cancer case
  • 結腸癌発生    colon [colonic] carcinogenesis / colon cancer [carcinoma] occurrence
  • 結腸癌発症    colon [colonic] carcinogenesis / colon cancer [carcinoma] occurrence
  • 結腸癌細胞    colon cancer [carcinoma] cells
  • 結腸癌組織    colon cancer [carcinoma] tissue


  • Ten percent in fact , on both of those .
    事実 10%の人が乳癌と結腸癌の両方に
  • Things like breast cancer and colon cancer
  • Princess mieko left the imperial family and married prince yoshihisa tokugawa , she gave birth to kikuko , who later became takamatsunomiya imperial prince nobuhito ' s empress , however she came down with colon cancer in her mid forties and died .
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