縁を切る 縁を切る えんをきる to get a divorce to sever connections
縁を切る 1 1. bin off 2. break off 3. get rid of 4. shake off 縁を切る 2 1. break off with 2. break out with 3. cast off 4. cut (one's) ties with〔好ましくない対象から離れることをいう場合が多い〕 5. cut the [one's] connection (with) 6. f
Sisters can't marry even if they disown each other . 姉妹は縁を切っても結婚できないです
There's no one to take care of his body . 息子とは縁を切っていて 遺体の引き取り手はない
I'm sorry ! you even came to me , kitty ! たった今 その縁を切って来たところだがな
Sisters can't get married , even if they throw away their bond 姉妹は縁を切っても結婚できないです
Then am i supposed to break up with hamada , cut ties with riko じゃあ浜田と別れて 梨子とも縁を切って
'cause i will rid myself of yah well before i do away with her ! 彼女と別れる前に お前との縁を切ってやる!
How do we know ? it's out , vera . 息子とは 縁を切ってるかも
How do we know ? it's out , vera . 息子とは 縁を切ってるかも
You are going to have to control this grimm or get rid of him . "あなたの下に居るグリムを抑えるか 又は縁を切ってくれ"
With ' those who cherish bad friends cannot escape the fate of being branded as a bad person ,' my heart and determination lie in the refusal of bad friends ,' he says that japan should promote modernization by cutting ties with bad friends in east asia . そして、「悪友を親しむ者は共に悪名を免かる可らず。我は心に於て亜細亜東方の悪友を謝絶するものなり」といい、東アジアの悪友とは縁を切って近代化を進めて行くことが望ましいと結んでいる。