It was lowest in rank among the shi (offices ), and for shitokan (four classifications of bureaucrats ' ranks ), only kami (director ) and sakan (secretary ) were established . 司の中では最も格が低く四等官は長官と主典しか置かれていない。
Aristocrats served as ' betto ' to administer the institution and in many cases the post was under the control of ' ryo ' (bureau ), and only naizen no tsukasa (imperial table office ) other than okimi no tsukasa had the position of ' betto ' among others . 別当は貴族がつとめその機関を総裁する職で寮に置かれることが多く、司では他に内膳司にしか置かれていない。
The muromachi bakufu called the jisharyo and the kugeryo collectively as ' jisha honjoryo ' , and called especially the land , throughout of which was ruled by the bakufu and neither jito (steward ) nor azukari dokoro (estate custodian ) was placed , as honjo ichien shihaichi (honjo throughout ruled land ) (it was considered that the term ' jisha honjoryo ' first appeared in the laws and regulations of the bakufu in 1351 . the kokugaryo was included in the jisha honjoryo in some cases .) 室町幕府は寺社領及び公家領を「寺社本所領」と呼び、特に地頭やその他預所が置かれていない本所の一円支配領を本所一円支配地と呼んだ(なお、「寺社本所領」の初出は観応2年/正平 (日本)6年(1351年)の幕府法令とされている。また、国衙領を寺社本所領に加えた用法もある)。