- He was a prisoner of his schemes and expectations.
- 自分 自分 じぶん myself oneself
- 計画 計画 けいかく plan project schedule scheme program
- 期待 期待 きたい expectation anticipation hope
- 自縛 自縛 じばく being circumscribed by one's own words and actions
- じじ じじ 時事 events of the day current affairs 爺 grandfather old man
- じょ じょ 叙 relation narration description 女 woman girl daughter 序 foreword preface 助
- うじ うじ 氏 family name lineage birth 蛆 maggot grub
- じば じば 磁場 magnetic field 地場 local
- ばく ばく 爆 exclamation burst of laughter 博 doctor Ph.D. exposition fair exhibition
- あり あり 蟻 ant
- さま さま 様 Mr or Mrs manner kind appearance
- まだ まだ 未だ yet still more besides
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 自分で 1. in one's own person 2. on one's own 3. pro se
- よって よって 依って 因って 仍って therefore consequently accordingly because of
- じじょ じじょ 自助 self-help 自叙 autobiography 児女 boys and girls 爾汝 you thou 侍女 lady
- じょう じょう 仗 cane whipping rod 錠 lock padlock 冗 uselessness 尉 jailer old man rank
- じばく じばく 自爆 suicide bombing, e.g. crashing one's plane into a target
- によって によって に因って according to by (means of) due to because of
- 自縄自縛 自縄自縛 じじょうじばく be caught in one's own trap
- じじょう じじょう 事情 circumstances consideration conditions situation reasons 磁場 magnetic
- じょうじ じょうじ 常事 normal affair 情事 love affair liaison 常時 usually ordinarily 畳字
- ありさま ありさま 有り様 有様 state condition circumstances the way things are or should be
- じじょうじばく じじょうじばく 自縄自縛 be caught in one's own trap