- look for a potential mentor
- 良い 良い いい good よい good nice pleasant ok
- 相談 相談 そうだん consultation discussion
- 相手 相手 あいて companion partner company other party addressee
- 探す 探す さがす to search to seek to look for
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 相談相手 1. adviser 2. conferee 3. person to consult
- 良い相談相手である be very much in someone's confidence〔人の〕
- 彼は私の税金対策の良い相談相手だ He's my adviser on tax issues.
- 相談相手 1. adviser 2. conferee 3. person to consult
- 結婚相手を探す look for a mate [match]
- 良き相談相手 trusted counselor
- 相談相手がいない 1. have no one to go to for advice 2. have nobody to turn to about one's concerns
- 親切な相談相手 friendly adviser
- デートの相手を探す 1. find a date 2. fish for dates
- 連立与党の相手を探す seek a governing ally