Military organization of the satsuma army (according to " satsunan ketsurui-shi " ) 薩軍諸隊配置(『薩南血涙史』に依る)
On the same day , tsuna nomura , who was sent by okubo , surrendered himself at a prefectural office , separately from the patrol officers , and the deposition of noguchi is reported in " (satsunan ketsurui (bitter tears ) shi (the history of satsunan , the south part of satsuma )" . 同日、巡査たちとは別に、大久保が派遣した野村綱が県庁に自首した(野村の口供書は『薩南血涙史』に掲載)。
" azuma kagami " does not say anything about how yoritomo reacted when koshigoe-jo , that yoshitsune wrote in tears of anguish while he was not permitted to enter kamakura , was delivered , or when yoshitsune committed suicide and his head was delivered . 義経が鎌倉入りを止められ血涙をもって綴った腰越状が届けられた時、自害ののちにその首が届けられた時、頼朝がどのような反応を示したかは、『吾妻鏡』は何も伝えていない。
The deposition was reported in " satsunan ketsurui (bitter tears ) shi (the history of satsunan , the south part of satsuma )" and a large conference was held in the main school of shigakko on the 6th , and he decided to go to kyoto with big army to inquire about the crimes to the government the next day (on the 7th ), then he announced his decision to go to kyoto to the kenrei , tsunayoshi oyama . 口供書は『薩南血涙史』に掲載)、6日に私学校本校で大評議が開かれ、政府問罪のために大軍を率いて上京することに決したので、翌7日に県令大山綱良に上京の決意を告げた。
Kabuki eiga pro ,' in cooperation with nakane pro and yamaguchi ' s ' yamaguchi toshio productions ,' kobunji acted in the first films that were produced by these two production companies and yoshinosuke ichikawa (later known as kiyoshi sawada ), who had come from ayameike studio of ichikawa utakemon productions (uta pro ) in nara and joined ' kabuki eiga pro ,' also acted in " aizo ketsurui " (love and hate , blood and tears ) produced by chie pro , but yamazaki ' s ' kanshu renmei ' fell apart early at the end of july in 1928 . 「歌舞伎映画プロ」は、中根プロ、および山口の「山口俊雄プロダクション」に協力し、小文治はそれらの第1作に出演、奈良の市川右太衛門プロダクションあやめ池撮影所(右太プロ)から「歌舞伎映画プロ」に参加した市川芳之助(のちの沢田清)も千恵プロの『愛憎血涙』に出演したが、同年7月末に早くも山崎らの「館主連盟」が瓦解してしまった。
In this battle , yaichiro nagayama , a brave general of the satsuma army , encouraged his warriors through the following appeal but could not change the battle situation to their advantage: ' why are you so cowardly ?; if we allowed the enemy to seize this place , how the soldiers stationed outside kumamoto castle would become ?; only what is important is to defend this place to the last; it is for that achievement that you are to be praised as a good warrior , if alive , or a loyal retainer , if dead; fight desperately until all of our weapons are used up ' (according to " satsunan ketsurui-shi " (the history of satsunan full of blood and tears )) . この時、薩軍の猛将永山弥一郎は「諸君何ぞ斯(かく)の如く怯なる、若し敵をして此地を奪はしめんか、熊本城外の我守兵を如何にせん、大事之に因て去らんのみ、生きて善士と称し、死して忠臣と称せらるゝは唯此時にあり、各死力を尽し刀折れ矢竭(つ)き而して後已(やまん)」(『薩南血涙史』)と激励したが、戦況を逆転することはできなかった。