Carpenters were called jishadaiku (same as miyadaiku , who were specialists in the construction of temples and shrines ), machidaiku , or nochobadaiku , which can be traced back to machi bugyo (town magistrate ) and jisha bugyo (magistrate of temples and shrines ) in edo period , who were self-governors with administrative jurisdiction , and tobishoku were called machitobi and nochobatobi in the same manner , but not jishatobi at all . 江戸時代の町奉行、寺社奉行という行政上の自治管轄の名残りにより、寺社大工(宮大工)、町大工、野帳場大工という様に大工は呼称されるが、町鳶、野帳場鳶という呼称に対し寺社鳶という表現はほとんど聞かれない。