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  • soak the clothes for about __ minutes in soapy water
  • 衣類     衣類 いるい clothes clothing garments
  • らい     らい 儡 defeat 来 since (last month) for (10 days) next (year)
  • けん     けん 腱 tendon 件 matter case item 県 prefecture 剣 sword sabre blade bayonet sting
  • 浸す     浸す ひたす to soak to dip to drench
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • ぐらい     ぐらい approximately
  • らいせ     らいせ 来世 the next world the future posterity
  • せっけ     せっけ 摂家 (line of) regents and advisers
  • せっけん     せっけん 石鹸 石けん soap 接見 interview 節倹 economy thrift 席巻 席捲 sweeping conquest
  • 水に浸す     水に浸す submerge[化学]
  • せっけん水     1. soap and water mix 2. soap suds〔 【略】 SS〕 3. soap water 4. soap-and-water
  • せっけん水    1. soap and water mix 2. soap suds〔 【略】 SS〕 3. soap water 4. soap-and-water solution 5. soapy solution 6. soapy water 7. suds
  • せっけん水による洗浄    cleansing with soap and water
  • せっけん水で    in soap and water
  • せっけん水浣腸    soapsuds enema
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