Lieutenant , you can't take a blood sample without a court order . you know that . 裁判所の許可がないと 血液サンプルはとれません
A person became a head of a family according to succession to family headship can only revive own head family after being permitted by a law court and abolishing the current household (the old civil codes , article 762 ). 家督相続によって戸主となった者は廃絶家がその本家である場合に限って裁判所の許可を得て現在の家を廃家したうえ本家を再興することができる(旧民法762条)
Before the world war ii , it was a simple matter to change one ' s family name or adopt a child , and there were no problems involved in the process , but after the world war ii , the civil law was revised and the permission of a family court became necessary in order to change one ' s family name . 戦前は改姓や養子縁組が容易に行えたため、改姓に際する問題はなかったが、戦後の民法改正によって改姓の際に家庭裁判所の許可が必要となった。
In case of marriage and registration on another household register of a family head , there are only two possible cases such as to be a member of a family which has a female head of a family or to be adopted by a wife ' s family (marriage and adoption by wife ' s parents will be granted at the same time ), however in case of marriage of a female family head , there are alternatives such as to go into retirement and to abolish a household after being permitted by a law court (the old civil codes , article 754 ). 戸主が婚姻して他家に入るには、女戸主の家に婚姻で入る場合と婿養子縁組(婚姻と妻の親との養子縁組を同時に行うこと)に限られたが、女戸主が婚姻するためであれば裁判所の許可を得て隠居・廃家ができた(旧民法754条)