This is because kokushi (provincial governors ) and kokuga (provincial government offices ) utilized the jori naming method and handen map as the framework for land management and judgement of rights and obligations . これは、国司・国衙が土地管理・権利義務裁定の枠組みとして、条里呼称法および班田図を活用したためである。
As a result of the decision made by the bakufu , the zin family was deprived of the right to control the scale business in 33 provinces in western japan , and the shuzui family began to control the scale business all over japan . 幕府による裁定の結果、幕府は神氏から西33カ国の秤業を司る権利を剥奪し、全国の秤座は守随氏が支配することとなった。
However , the emperor died of illness only seven years after his enthronement , and the next successor to the throne , who was supposed to succeed the daikakuji-to line to the emperor , imperial prince kuniyoshi , was only nine years old at that time , an agreement between both parties to share the imperial succession in turn , which was arbitrated by the kamakura bakufu , was no longer valid . だが、在位わずか7年で病没したこと、その時点で次の大覚寺統の嫡流を継ぐべき邦良親王がわずか9歳だったことから、大覚寺統と持明院統が交互に皇位継承していくという幕府裁定の両統迭立原則が崩壊してしまう事になった。