- product price differentials
- 製品 製品 せいひん manufactured goods finished goods
- 価格 価格 かかく price value cost
- 格差 格差 かくさ qualitative difference disparity
- 差 差 さ difference variation
- 価格差 価格差 かかくさ price margin
- 製品価格 1. prices of manufactured goods 2. value of product
- 新製品価格 new product price
- 製品価格 1. prices of manufactured goods 2. value of product
- 工業製品価格 industrial price
- 石油製品価格体系 price structure of oil products
- 製品価格の上昇 goods inflation
- 製品価格の大幅な下落 significant decline in product prices
- 製品価格を引き下げる lower the prices of one's products
- 製品価格を明らかにする reveal pricing for the products
- 製品価格を_%引き上げる raise the price of the product by __%