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"解く"の例文"解く" 意味"解く" 中国語の意味


  • 解く
    to solve
    to answer
    to untie
    to unfasten
  • 解く 1    1. clear up 2. ravel out 解く 2 【他動】 1. disengage 2. loosen 3. unbind 4. unfasten 5. unfix 6. unlay 7. unloose / unloosen 8. unplait 9. unravel 10. untie 11. unweave 12. unwreathe 13. work 解く 3 so
  • ひも解く    → ひもとく
  • 代数で解く    solve algebraically
  • 任務を解く    acquit ~ of his duty〔人の〕
  • 切り解く    切り解く きりほどく to cut open a tied bundle releasing prisoners
  • 制限を解く    lift a ban (on)〔~の〕
  • 包みを解く    1. open a package 2. undo a bundle 3. undo a package 4. undo a parcel 5. undo the wrappings 6. unpack a parcel 7. untie a bundle 8. unwrap the package
  • 包帯を解く    unwind a bandage
  • 印綬を解く    dismiss someone from his post
  • 合同を解く    dissolve a union
  • 呪文を解く    break a spell
  • 問題を解く    1. answer a problem 2. do a problem 3. solve a problem〔 【語法】 目的語に question をとるのは極めてまれな例〕 4. work out a problem 5. work problems
  • 囚を解く    囚を解く しゅうをとく to be relieved from captivity
  • 囲みを解く    lift [raise] the siege (of)〔~の〕
  • 契約を解く    get out of a contract


  • The sketches are the keys to uncovering the mystery .
    スケッチが 謎を解く鍵なんだ。
  • You are hereby removed from section 1 of sit .
    本日をもって 捜査一課特殊捜査班の任を解く
  • I said to myself if i finish this sheet
    その問題を解けば解くほど 初エッチに近づくと思うとさ...
  • The elusive clue that will unlock the mystery .
    意味不明の手掛かりが 謎を解く カギとなる
  • Fun to solve , as opposed to everyday problems
    解く楽しみ” として 日々の問題を見てみると
  • She had a piece of the puzzle ... a crucial piece .
    謎を解く手がかりを 彼女は持ってる
  • I've been wracking my brains , trying to figure it out .
    謎を解くのに 苦労したよ
  • I'll lift the curse as fast as i can , of course !
    もちろん 1日も早く解くぜ 呪いを!
  • It is also rung to signal to release praying hands .
  • So i thought , wall tissue's important in skeletons .
    そこで この壁が謎を解くための
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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