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  • But why apply it to a case that's already solved ?
    しかし なぜ解決済みの事件を調べる?
  • That's a lot of closed cases that could get opened up again .
    解決済みの事件が また大量に蒸し返される
  • I don't recall giving you orders to dig up old resolved cases .
    解決済みの事件を蒸し返せと 命じた覚えはない。
  • There's no way we can investigate such an old resolved case .
    そんな昔の 解決済みの事件 検証するわけにいきませんよ。
  • There's no way we can investigate such an old resolved case .
    そんな昔の 解決済みの事件 検証するわけにいきませんよ。
  • But this is also
  • I was sure . i didn't think the test was worth the time or the money . especially since the case had been solved .
    お金の無駄遣いだよ 解決済みの事件だ
  • I was sure . i didn't think the test was worth the time or the money . especially since the case had been solved .
    お金の無駄遣いだよ 解決済みの事件だ
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