The question why those sections were not touched remains . なぜ、この項だけ触れられていないのか疑問が残る。
But the dictionary did not go so far as to describe the brewing method used to produce moro-haku . 諸白という製法にまでは触れられていない。
The evaluation report for the project did not mention that the sites for the construction contained kumano-kodo (old kumano road ). この事業評価報告では、整備地が熊野古道であることにはまったく触れられていない。
However , it goes without saying that the " azuma kagami ," which only describes the battle in a very simple , brief manner , doesn ' t mention the tides at all . しかし、潮流に関しては、合戦について簡潔にしか記していない『吾妻鏡』にはもちろん触れられていない。
" harima kagami " (history of harima province ), written by yoshu hirano during the middle of the edo period , lists much information on musashi and iori , however , it doesn ' t mention that musashi was from the tabaru family . また、武蔵や伊織に関する多くの記事を載せている江戸中期に平野庸脩が作成した地誌『播磨鑑』にも武蔵が田原家の出であるとはまったく触れられていない。
In " kojiki " (the records of ancient matters ), princes and princesses of prince hikoimasu (hikoimasu no mikoto [日子坐命 ]) were written in detail , but there were rare written articles about the princes and princesses in " the nihonshoki " (the chronicles of japan ). 彦坐王(日子坐命)の王子女は『古事記』に詳しいが、『日本書紀』ではほとんど触れられていない。
" made by gyoki bosatsu " is written in many of the existing versions of ' goki-zu ' , but the articles about gyoki in rikkokushi (japan ' s six national histories chronicling the seventh and eighth centuries ) and books on the history of buddhism do not mention the fact of the creation of the map . 現存する「行基図」には“行基菩薩”作と記されているものが多いが、六国史や仏教史書には行基の記事には地図作成の事実には触れられていない。
In the official address prince shirakabe made when he became the crown prince (on september 18 , 770 ), there were following words: ' dokyo was looking for the opportunity to ascend the imperial throne ' ; however , there was absolutely no mention of concrete action in terms of the dokyo ' s side . なお、この時(宝亀元年8月21日)の白壁王の令旨に「道鏡が皇位をうかがった」とする文言があるものの、具体的に道鏡のどのような行動を指すのかには全く触れられていない。
Ohiko no mikoto that appear in this pedigree is estimated to be the general (ohiko ) mentioned in " kojiki " and " nihon shoki " who conquered four countries - i .e . the imperial prince of emperor kogen (eighth emperor ), but there is nothing inscribed on the sword blade that shows his relationship to the emperor . このオホヒコは、記紀にいう四道将軍大彦命と考えられ、第8代孝元天皇の皇子のはずであるが、銘文では何も触れられていない。