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  • We have many loyal workers and don't have a high turnover rate.
  • 誠実     誠実 せいじつ sincere honest faithful
  • 人材     人材 じんざい man of talent
  • 多い     多い おおい many numerous
  • ので     ので that being the case because of ...
  • 離職     離職 りしょく leaving or losing a job
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • 離職率     1. attrition rate 2. job separation rate / rate of job separation 3. job
  • くない     くない 区内 in the ward or borough
  • 誠実な人     a man of integrity
  • 忠誠心のある人材が多いので離職率は高くない    We have many loyal workers and don't have a high turnover rate.
  • 欠席が多いので    due to one's many absences
  • 誠実な人々    good men and true
  • 離職率    1. attrition rate 2. job separation rate / rate of job separation 3. job turnover 4. labor turnover rate 5. personnel turnover 6. separation rate 7. turnover 8. turnover rate
  • この方法は高くつくことが多い    This method can often come at a price.
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