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"誦経"の例文"誦経" 意味"誦経" 中国語の意味


  • 誦経
    chanting or reading the sutras


  • The sparrow said that he was sanekata having transmuted into a sparrow to come back to kyoto and asked for chanting a sutra for him .
  • It is a service carried out according to the six times of the day consisting of sutra chanting , nenbutsu recitation and prayer based on the ' ojoraisange ' of chinese monk shandao .
  • Specifically , some monks directly encouraged people to recite nenbutsu (buddhist prayers ) or jukyo (chanting or reading the sutras ), and others called for people to offer money for building , repairing and remodeling a new temple or statue .
  • It is said that in the text of less than 300 characters the essence of mahayana buddhism is preached , and it has been used as one of the sutras for recitation without regard to whether one is a priest or a lay person (except for certain sects ).
  • It begins with hotsugan (a vow to attain enlightenment and save people ) and explains the kudoku (merits ) of praying to amitabha and reciting a sutra and another kudoku (benefits in this world and for entering into the bliss of heaven ) resulting from monetary donations and good deeds .
  • The fundamental sutra is dainichi-kyo sutra (formally , ' daibirushanajobutsu-jinpenkaji-kyo sutra ' ) and kongocho-kyo (formally , ' kongocho issainyorai shinjitsusetsudaijogensho daikyoo-kyo ' or ' kongocho-yuga-shinjitsu-daio-kyo sutra ,' ' soshitsuji-kyo sutra ,' ' yugi-kyo sutra ,' ' yoryakunenju-kyo sutra ,' ' rishu-kyo sutra ,' ) and so on .
  • As for sutras which were translated from sanskrit into chinese , there are 4 volumes of " kongocho yuga churyakushutsu nenju-kyo " (rykushutsu nenju-kyo ) by kongochi (ajrabodhi ) sanzo (tripitaka ) (around 670 - 741 ), 3 volumes of " kongocho issai nyorai shinjitsu shodaijo gensho zanmai daikyoo-kyo " (kongocho daikyoo-kyo ) (compendium of truth of all the tathagatas ), by fuku (amoghavajra ) sanzo (705 - 774 ), and 30 volumes of " issai nyorai (concentration of tathagatas ) shinjitu sho-gyo sutra (tattva-samgraha )" by sego .
  • As for sutras which were translated from sanskrit into chinese , there are 4 volumes of " kongocho yuga churyakushutsu nenju-kyo " (rykushutsu nenju-kyo ) by kongochi (ajrabodhi ) sanzo (tripitaka ) (around 670 - 741 ), 3 volumes of " kongocho issai nyorai shinjitsu shodaijo gensho zanmai daikyoo-kyo " (kongocho daikyoo-kyo ) (compendium of truth of all the tathagatas ), by fuku (amoghavajra ) sanzo (705 - 774 ), and 30 volumes of " issai nyorai (concentration of tathagatas ) shinjitu sho-gyo sutra (tattva-samgraha )" by sego .
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