- people who are ground down by poverty
- 貧苦 貧苦 ひんく hardship serious poverty
- しむ しむ 使む 令む old causative verbal ending 占む to occupy to hold to command to
- 人々 人々 ひとびと にんにん each person people men human everybody
- 々 々 くりかえし repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced)
- 苦しむ 苦しむ くるしむ to suffer to groan to be worried
- 苦しむ人々 people who are suffering from〔~に〕
- 圧政に苦しむ人々 people suffering under tyranny
- 苦しむ人々 people who are suffering from〔~に〕
- 生活苦に苦しむ struggle against hard living
- アレルギーに苦しむ人 allergy sufferer
- 低体温症に苦しむ人 hypothermia sufferer
- その病気で苦しむ人々 sufferers of the disease
- 人格障害で苦しむ人々 sufferers of PDs
- 性格破たんで苦しむ人々 sufferers of PDs
- 恋に苦しむ carry a torch for