- wage-price spiral
- 賃金 賃金 ちんぎん wages
- 物価 物価 ぶっか prices of commodities prices (in general) cost-of-living
- 連鎖 連鎖 れんさ chain connection
- 上昇 上昇 じょうしょう rising ascending climbing
- 賃金と物価の関係 1. relationship between wages and prices 2. wage-price relations
- 賃金と物価の悪循環 1. price-wage spiral 2. vicious wage-price spiral 3. wage-price spiral
- 賃金と物価のいたちごっこ 1. spiral of wages and prices 2. wage-price spiral
- 物価の必然的上昇 automatic rise in prices
- 賃金物価の安定 wage and price stabilization
- 物価と賃金の上昇 price and wage hikes
- 上昇する物価の背景には behind the rising prices
- 全般的な物価の上昇 general rise in prices
- 天井知らずの物価の上昇 with prices going through the roof
- 持続的な物価の上昇 ongoing increase in prices
- 物価の上昇を抑える hold commodity prices in check