Presumably his character had been formed by his father , who had been a simple and sturdy person , and his mother , who had been a good wife and wise mother . この人柄は質実剛健な父と良妻賢母の母の影響であろう。
Reportedly , eikoin changed internal affairs of ooku that had been established by kasuga no tsubone after the simple and sturdy spirit of the samurai into the ornate and luxurious way of court nobles in kyoto . また、春日局が築き上げた質実剛健な武家風の奥向きを、永光院は華美で豪奢な京都の公家風に改めていったという。
Economically , the system by which warriors , the de facto landowners in rural areas , could own and control land had now been legally stabilized , sparking a country-wide cultivation of land and leading to a vigorous flourishing of kamakura culture . 経済的には、地方の在地領主である武士の土地所有制度が法的に安定したため、全国的に開墾がすすみ、質実剛健な鎌倉文化が栄えた。
Men ' s hairstyles of the warrior class were characteristically arranged in such a way that a topknot was made long , the front part of the head was shaved narrowly , sideburns were left natural , and the back part was tied tightly so as to look simple and austere . 武家の男髷の特徴は、髷が長く、月代は狭く側頭部の生え際(小鬢)を自然のままに残す、髱は、ひっつめて質実剛健な感じにすること。