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  • pay particularly attention to one's physical appearance
  • だし     だし 出し stock broth pretext excuse pretense dupe front man 山車 festival car
  • しな     しな 品 thing article goods dignity article (goods) counter for meal courses 嬌態
  • なみ     なみ 並 並み average medium common ordinary 波 濤 wave
  • 細心     細心 さいしん careful discrete scrupulous prudent
  • 心の     【形】 1. cardiac 2. mental
  • 注意     注意 ちゅうい caution being careful attention (heed) warning advice
  • 払う     払う はらう to pay to brush to wipe
  •      う 佑 help 傴 bend over 鵜 cormorant 卯 fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare,
  • 細心の     【形】 1. meticulous 2. wary
  • 身だしなみ     1. grooming and appearance 2. how to dress appropriately
  • 細心の注意     1. chariness 2. due attention 3. full attention 4. meticulous care 5.
  • 注意を払う     注意を払う ちゅういをはらう to pay attention (to)
  • 細心の注意を払う     be meticulously careful
  • 外見に細心の注意を払う    pay particularly attention to one's physical appearance
  • 細部に細心の注意を払う    pay close attention to details
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