辞表を提出する 1 1. hand in one's notice 2. send in one's papers 3. tender a letter of resignation 4. turn in (one's) resignation 辞表を提出する 2 submit a letter of resignation to〔~に〕 辞表を提出する 3 hand in a paper〔将校が〕
出張費用の明細書を提出した。 I submitted a list of expenses from my business trip.
Okuma submitted his resignation on october 15 . 大隈は、10月15日付で辞表を提出した。
I heard that mr . chang has submitted his resignation . チャンコさんが 辞表を提出したこと あったじゃないですか。
I heard that mr . chang has submitted his resignation . チャンコさんが 辞表を提出したこと あったじゃないですか。
Kuroda who was driven into a corner gave in a resignation of all ministers on 25 , a week later from it . 進退窮まった黒田は一週間後の25日、全閣僚の辞表を提出した。
After the diet was over , yamagata submitted a letter of resignation because he had no confidence in diet management . 議会終了後に議会運営に自信がないとして山縣は辞表を提出した。
Terauchi offered his resignation to aritomo yamagata on august 31 and submitted his letter of resignation officially on september 21 . 寺内は8月31日に山縣有朋に辞意を告げ、9月21日に正式に辞表を提出した。
Omura got angry and tendered his resignation but , at the time , there was nobody in the government qualified enough to replace him . 憤懣やるかたない大村はほどなく辞表を提出したが、当時の政府内には、軍事に関して大村に代わるべき人物はなかった。
In september , he was elected to become a member of kizokuin (the house of peers ) by imperial order and also decided to retire from the business world . 9月、貴族院議員に勅撰されていたことや実業界から身を引くことを決意していたため、辞表を提出した。
Hiroharu kato , the president of the naval general staff then , criticized the interference and violation of the supreme command , and he submitted his resignation to the emperor . 当時の軍令部総長加藤寛治は統帥権干犯を批判し、天皇に辞表を提出した。