The ministry of agriculture , forestry and fisheries selected the 100 best rice terraces in japan for the purpose of promoting tourism , because the ministry determined that it was difficult to maintain rice terraces only through agricultural revenues and dual occupations . 農林水産省は、農業収入や兼業のみでの棚田の維持が難しいと考え、観光地化を目的とした日本の棚田百選を選定した。
The meiji government eliminated the old tax system , which taxed the overall agricultural production , and introduced a new nationwide land tax (based on the total amount--not the productivity--of land owned ), and with this , kenchi , with their focus on yield , were no longer conducted . 明治政府は、農業収入に課税する年貢制ではなく、全土地に課税する地租を導入し、検地は行わなくなった。