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"込む"の例文"込む" 意味"込む" 中国語の意味


  • 込む
    to be crowded
  • 仕込む    仕込む しこむ to train to teach to educate to stock to prepare
  • 刈込む    刈込む trim[化学]
  • 割込む    割込む わりこむ to cut in to thrust oneself into to wedge oneself in to muscle in on to interrupt to disturb
  • 取込む    取込む draw[化学]
  • 吸込む    吸込む draw[化学]; suck[化学]
  • 咳込む    be seized by a fit of coughing
  • 埋込む    埋込む embed[基礎]; imbed[基礎]
  • 寝込む    寝込む ねこむ to stay in bed to sleep to be laid up for a long time
  • 射込む    be make incisions in ~ and insert slices [cloves] of garlic〔ローストなどの下処理で、肉などに切り目を入れてニンニクを押し込んでおく〕~にニンニクを;《料理》
  • 嵌込む    嵌込む recess[化学]
  • 差込む    差込む さしこむ to jam a batter (with an inside pitch) (baseball)
  • 巻込む    巻込む まきこむ to roll up to involve to enfold to swallow up to drag into
  • 煮込む    煮込む にこむ to cook together to boil well
  • 申込む    申込む apply[化学]
  • 着込む    着込む きこむ to wear extra clothes


  • So you have time to assimilate what you've learned .
  • One for extracting oxygen out of the deepsea water
  • Put , instinctively , their fingers in the mouth .
  • When i feel down , i like to sit in narrow spaces
    落ち込む時は 狭いところに限りますよね
  • Hey . don't make a mess , or i have to clean it up .
    ヘイ 落ち込むなよ 一発食らわすぞ
  • Yeah , well , how do we narrow down the possibles ?
    どうやって その10人を絞り込む?
  • Yeah , well , how do we narrow down the possibles ?
    どうやって その10人を絞り込む?
  • Lord hades went to the sanctuary by himself .
  • Yeah , our last big fight , i was bawling my eyes out .
    もう5日よ 落ち込むばかり
  • They don't actually come into the dream .
    夢に行かなくてもいい ただ、ターゲットを誘い込む...
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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