- send someone a note as to whether〔~かどうかについて〕
- 連絡 連絡 れんらく junction communication contact connection coordination
- メモ メモ memorandum
- 送る 送る おくる to send (a thing) to dispatch to take or escort (a person somewhere) to
- る る 僂 bend over
- 連絡メモ memo
- (人)に throw oneself at someone's feet / throw oneself at the feet of
- 連絡メモ memo
- 社内連絡メモ interoffice memorandum
- 社内メモを(人)に送信する send an internal memo to《コ》
- メモを送る send someone a memo〔人に〕
- ~にメモを送る send a memo to
- ファクスメモを間違った電話番号に送る send fax memos to the wrong numbers
- 返事とその後のすべての連絡を(人)宛てに送る direct one's reply and all subsequent communications to
- …と交換に~を(人)に送る send someone ~ in exchange for
- それを(人)の家に送る have it shipped to someone's home