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  • 1. mail system
    2. postal arrangement
    3. postal service〔【略】PS〕
    4. postal system
    5. post〈英〉


  • Based on his achievements , he has been called as " the father of postal system ."
  • He went to great britain to inspect the postal system and conclude a contract to loan money for railway construction .
  • He was one of the founders of modern postal system in japan and has been known for the portrait on one-yen stamp .
  • On april 20 , 1871 , officials from ekitei-shi , including hisoka maejima and jo sugiura , launched the postal system .
    1871年3月1日 (旧暦)(新暦4月20日)、駅逓司の前島密・杉浦譲らによって郵便制度が開始された。
  • The importance of the postal system has increased as it added exchange system (postal money order ) in january 1875 and banking service (postal savings ) in may .
  • In 1871 , after the meiji restoration , though the mail system was already well established , nengajo were sent as notes in most cases , but still there weren ' t so many .
  • On coming back to japan , he was appointed as ekitei-no-kami (minister of post and telecommunications ), exerted himself to found a postal system , and established the basis of a modern postal system in japan .
    - 帰国、駅逓頭に任じられ、郵便制度創設に尽力、日本の近代的郵便制度の基礎を確立。
  • On coming back to japan , he was appointed as ekitei-no-kami (minister of post and telecommunications ), exerted himself to found a postal system , and established the basis of a modern postal system in japan .
    - 帰国、駅逓頭に任じられ、郵便制度創設に尽力、日本の近代的郵便制度の基礎を確立。
  • He became sozei gonnokami (the principle officer of tax ), then in may , ekitei gonnnokami (the principle officer of posts ) concurrently , and proposed daijokan (grand council of state ) to establish a postal system .
    - 租税権正、5月には駅逓権正兼任となり、太政官に郵便制度創設を建議。
  • The postal system , the telegraph network , and transportation by railway and ship were consolidated as one distribution system (nippon yusen company was established after the competition between the mitsubishi combine , the private sector , and the kyodo unyu company , the national policy concern ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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