A section of shimogamo naka-dori street north of kuramaguchi-dori street overlaps kurama-kaido road . 鞍馬口通以北は鞍馬街道と重複区間である。
The main reason for closing down all lines via ogura was to dispose of portions overlapping with kumiyama notteko bus . これは久御山町のってこバス設定による重複区間の整理が主な理由である。
Additionally , it is shared by national highway route no . 8 (east of karasuma gojo ) and national highway route no . 162 (between tenjingawa gojo and nishioji gojo ). また国道8号(烏丸五条以東)、国道162号(天神川五条-西大路五条)の重複区間でもある。
Even after the day of abolishment , if there was deadhead line to the train car depot or some railway tracks of overlapped sections , it was informed accordingly . 廃止日以降も車両基地への回送線としてや、重複区間であるため一部区間では線路が残っている(いた)場合はその旨注記した。
The operation of the keishin line of keihan electric railway and that of the tozai line of kyoto municipal subway overlap between sanjo (keihan sanjo ) and keihan-yamashina; initially it was planned that the operation between sanjo and keihan-yamashina on the keishin line would be discontinued and keihan trains should run into the tozai line at keihan-yamashina , but it was deemed physically impossible to execute the plan , mainly because of the linearity problem of the tozai line (the tozai line was laid along the kyoto outer loop expressway in the north-south direction , and the keishin line of keihan electric railway and the tozai line of kyoto municipal subway were to cross one another at right angles ), and therefore it was decided that the keihan trains would run into the tozai line at misasagi . 京阪電気鉄道京津線と京都市営地下鉄東西線との重複区間は、三条(三条京阪)~京阪山科(山科)間で、当初、京阪電気鉄道は、京津線の三条~京阪山科を廃止し、京阪山科から京都市営地下鉄東西線へ乗り入れる予定であったが、京都市営地下鉄東西線の線形(京都府道外環状線を北上し、京阪電気鉄道京津線と十字に交差)の問題などの理由から物理的に不可能となり、御陵に変更された。