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  • literature concerning〔~に〕


  • And i went back and i read a whole host of memory treatises
    帰ってから記憶に関する文献を 読みあさりました
  • This actually leads me to a rather counterintuitive finding
    ここからテクノロジーと頭脳に 関する文献に行き着き
  • This actually leads me to a rather counterintuitive finding
    ここからテクノロジーと頭脳に 関する文献に行き着き
  • And while i was doing this , i was reading the cancer literature
  • Nothing was recorded about narimori after the conflicts in hoki province ended .
  • So that's what led me to alzheimer's . i started reading about alzheimer's
    それがアルツハイマーに取り組むきっかけです 私はアルツハイマーに関する文献を読み始め
  • It is the first appearance in literature that suggests the origin of najio paper was echizen province .
  • As a historical document pertaining to karasumi , there is a document that apparently states that hideyoshi toyotomi ate karasumi .
  • " tokugawa tsunayoshi " (manabu tsukamoto , 1998 , published by yoshikawa kobunkan ) and " komon-sama to inu-kubo " (kyoko yamamuro , 1998 , published by bunshun shinsho , isbn 4-16-660010-9 ) are easy to obtain examples of works on tsunayoshi ' s re-evaluation .
    綱吉再評価に関する文献として、代表的で入手が容易なものとして、吉川弘文館『徳川綱吉』(塚本学・1998年)、文春新書『黄門さまと犬公方』(山室恭子・1998年 ISBN 4-16-660010-9)が挙げられる。
  • In may 1882 , half a year after joining the ministry , he was appointed among 8 graduates from the same class at the university of tokyo to be the first to work at the medical bureau of department of war , faculty of medicine , and engaged in research of literature on the prussian army hygiene system , and as early as march of the following year submitted the entire twelve volumes of his work " isei zensho kohon " (manuscript of medical science ) to the public office .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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