- take blood pressure drugs but still have high blood pressure
- でも でも but however
- 血圧 血圧 けつあつ blood pressure
- がら がら 柄 pattern design
- ない ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
- い い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
- 降圧剤 降圧剤 こうあつざい drug to lower blood pressure
- 血圧の薬を飲んでも血圧が下がらない take blood pressure drugs but still have high blood pressure
- 降圧剤を飲んでも血圧が高い take blood pressure drugs but still have high blood pressure
- 血圧の薬を飲んでも血圧が高い take blood pressure drugs but still have high blood pressure
- 血圧が下がる one's blood pressure goes down
- 血圧が下がり過ぎないようにする avoid an exaggerated hypotensive response
- 小さな錠剤を1粒飲んでも害にはならないよ One little pill won't do you harm [do harm to you]!
- 酒を飲んでも乱れない hold one's liquor well
- 水圧が下がる provide reduced water pressure
- なるべく体温が下がらないように(人)を毛布でくるんでおく keep someone covered with a blanket to reduce heat loss