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  • 【形】
    1. nonbusiness
    2. nonprofit
    3. nonprofit-making
  • 営利     営利 えいり money-making commercialized
  •      の 野 field 乃 possessive particle clause nominalizer particle
  • 非営利     非営利 ひえいり non-profit not-for-profit non-commercial
  • 非営利のチャリティ    nonprofit(-making) charity
  • 非営利    非営利 ひえいり non-profit not-for-profit non-commercial
  • 専門に扱う非営利の調査会社    nonprofit(-making) research firm specializing in〔~を〕
  • 非営利事業    非営利事業 ひえいりじぎょう nonprofit (noncommercial) business
  • 非営利企業    1. crown company [corporation, enterprise, firm] 2. nonprofit(-making) company 3. nonprofit(-making) corporation [enterprise]
  • 非営利会社    1. nonbusiness company 2. noncommercial enterprise 3. nonprofit(-making) company
  • 非営利会計    1. nonprofit accounting 2. not-for-profit accounting
  • 非営利使用    noncommercial use
  • 非営利保険    noncommercial insurance
  • 非営利団体    非営利団体 ひえいりだんたい nonprofit organization
  • 非営利機関    1. nonprofit(-making) agency 2. nonprofit(-making) institution 3. nonprofitable body
  • 非営利法人    1. non commercial corporation 2. nonprofit(-making) corporation [enterprise] 3. not-for-profit company [corporation, enterprise, firm]


  • So how are things in the stressful world of nonprofits ?
  • Or nonprofits that have operational capacity .
  • It would be based on a nonprofit model
    寄付金で永続できるような 非営利の仕組みに基づきます
  • It would be based on a nonprofit model
    寄付金で永続できるような 非営利の仕組みに基づきます
  • That would be based on a sustainable endowment .
    寄付金で永続できるような 非営利の仕組みに基づきます
  • That would be based on a sustainable endowment .
    寄付金で永続できるような 非営利の仕組みに基づきます
  • It can also be notforprofit drug development agencies
  • By adding a new , nonprofit player to the mix
    新しい非営利のプレーヤーの入った 融合体を提供することになり
  • These leading , innovative , nonprofit folks
  • And this is really a nonprofit education center
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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