- fly at a speed about twice the speed of sound
- 音速 音速 おんそく speed of sound
- 2倍 【連結】 twi-
- 飛ぶ 飛ぶ とぶ to jump to fly to leap to spring to bound to hop
- ぶ ぶ 分 rate part percentage one percent thickness odds chance of winning
- スピード スピード speed
- 音速の約2倍のスピードで飛行する fly at a speed about twice the speed of sound
- 猛スピードで飛ぶ fly at breakneck speeds
- 一定のスピードで at a constant speed
- かなりのスピードで at a fair speed
- 一定のスピードで動く move at the constant speed
- 驚くほどのスピードで with astonishing rapidity
- 時速_キロを超えるスピードで飛ばす race at speeds over __ kilometers per hour
- 猛烈なスピードで飛ばす車 hell-bent car
- 車を速いスピードで飛ばす drive at rattling speed
- 音速の壁をやや下回る速度で飛ぶ fly at speeds just short of the sound barrier