頭痛 の英語
偏頭痛 偏頭痛 へんずつう へんとうつう migraine headache headache on one side migraine 前頭痛 前頭痛 metopodynia[医生] 咽頭痛 1. pain in the throat 2. pharyngeal pain 3. sore throat 歯頭痛 dental headache 片頭痛 1. blind headache 2. brow ague 3. common migraine 4. hemicrania 5. megrim 6. migraine 7. migraine headache 8. sick headache 眼頭痛 ocular headache 頭痛 1 1. ache in the [one's] head 2. cephalalgia 3. cephalea 4. cephalodynia 5. dolor capitis 6. encephalalgia 7. headache〔 【略】 HA〕 8. pain in the head 頭痛 2 cephalgia《医》 頭痛い… My head hurts. 頭痛薬 1. headache cure 2. relief for a headache 3. relief of headache 鼻頭痛 nasal headache 片頭痛様頭痛 migraine-like headache すごい頭痛 heavy-duty headache ひどい頭痛 1. bad headache 2. beastly headache 3. blinding headache 4. doozer of a headache 5. horrendous headache 6. nagging headache 7. rotten headache 下半頭痛 lower half headache 両側性頭痛 amphicrania
Oh , sure . i've had migraines since i was a kid . ああ 子供の頃から 偏頭痛 持ちなんだ How's your headache ? it just started again . 男女間で ただの妹なんてあります?- 頭痛 は? How's your headache ? it just started again . 男女間で ただの妹なんてあります?- 頭痛 は? It's been the most wonderful thing for my migraine . それは私の片頭痛 には一番いいんです More people are coming in with fever and headache . 熱と頭痛 の患者が もっと沢山来るわ I'd have a headache too if i had to figure out こんなにボタンがあったら 私でも頭痛 がするわ How's your cold ? your fever ? does your head hurt ? カゼは? お熱は? 頭痛 くない? How's your cold ? your fever ? does your head hurt ? カゼは? お熱は? 頭痛 くない? How's your cold ? your fever ? does your head hurt ? カゼは? お熱は? 頭痛 くない? Appendicitis at 31 and migraines your whole life . 虫垂炎 31歳 そして偏頭痛 が持病