And as the sandstone weathers , new grains break free . そして砂岩が風化すると新しく砂粒が生まれます
This style traces back to the days before the costume became fully adapted by the japanese imperial court , when women serving at the imperial court wore an outer hakama over the inner hakama , just as the men did . これは、衣装が国風化する以前は宮廷に仕える女子も男子同様に下袴の上に表袴を身につけていた名残であるという。
As time passed and memories of the disasters faded , ' tenjin-sama ,' who was enshrined in various parts of japan to suppress curses , became worshipped as a god of literature since michizane was a brilliant scholar as well as a poet . やがて、各地に祀られた祟り封じの「天神様」は、災害の記憶が風化するに従い道真が生前優れた学者・詩人であったことから、後に天神は学問の神として信仰されるようになっている。