- How long does it take to walk from the station to ~?《旅/場所を尋ねる》
- から から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- いて いて 射手 archer shooter bowman
- 何分 何分 なにぶん anyway please なんぷん what minute? how many minutes?
- らい らい 儡 defeat 来 since (last month) for (10 days) next (year)
- いか いか 医家 doctor 医科 medical science medical department 以下 less than up to below
- かか かか 呵呵 sound of laughter
- かり かり 加里 potassium potash 刈 cut clip shear reap trim prune 下吏 lower official 雁 雁金
- ます ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
- ? question mark
- 歩いて on [by] shank's [shanks'] mare [pony]
- ぐらい ぐらい approximately
- らいか らいか 雷火 flash of lightning fire started by lightning
- かかり かかり 係 係り official duty person in charge 掛かり expense
- かりま かりま 借り間 rented room