- kill more than __ million people on purpose
- 以上 以上 いじょう more than exceeding greater than this is all over above and up beyond
- 上の 上の superior[医生]
- 故意 故意 こい intention purpose bad faith
- 殺す 殺す ころす to kill
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 故意に 故意に adv. *deliberately 《正式》わざと, 意識[計画]的に∥ He couldn't endure (that) the
- _人以上の人を意図的に殺す kill more than __ million people on purpose
- _歳以上の人 1. person who is at least __ years of age 2. plus __-ers
- 前年より_人以上の増加 increase of more than __ over the previous year
- 従業員_人以上の企業 company that employs more than __ people
- 従業員_人以上の会社 company that employs more than __ people
- 雇用者_人以上の事業所 establishments with __ or more persons engaged
- 希望を故意にぶち壊す deliberately wreck someone's hopes〔人の〕
- 悪事を故意に見逃す人 conniver
- インドの農村部に住む_人以上のインド人を調査する look at over __ Indians living in rural India