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  • indicate a higher concentration of people in ~ area
  • 人口     人口 じんこう population common talk
  • 口の     【形】 1. actinal 2. buccal 3. oral 4. oscular 5. stomatic
  • 一極     one pole〔 【略】 SP〕
  • 集中     集中 しゅうちゅう concentration focusing the mind
  • 中の     【形】 1. inby 2. medius〈ラテン語〉
  • 傾向     傾向 けいこう tendency trend inclination
  • 示す     示す しめす to denote to show to point out to indicate
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • 一極集中     1. overconcentration 2. overconcentration in a particular area
  • ~圏への人口の一極集中を示す    indicate a higher concentration of people in ~ area
  • 大都市圏への人口の集中    influx of population to large cities
  • 同様の傾向を示す 1    indicate a similar tendency 同様の傾向を示す 2 show the same tendency〔データや研究結果などが〕
  • 一極集中    1. overconcentration 2. overconcentration in a particular area
  • ビジネスの一極集中    excessive concentration of business
  • 東京一極集中    1. concentration in Tokyo 2. excess concentration of population and industry in the Tokyo Metropolitan area
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