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  • about-face日本語の意味:about-face, 《英》 about-turn n. 回れ右; 完全な転換.【動詞+】He did an about-face on his earlier stand. 以前の立場を 180 度変えたHe did an abrupt about-face and left the room. いきなり回れ右をして部屋を出た.【形容詞 名詞+】She did a co
  • about-faceの意味:about-face, 《英》 about-turn n. 回れ右; 完全な転換.【動詞+】He did an about-face on his earlier stand. 以前の立場を 180 度変えたHe did an abrupt about-face and left the room. いきなり回れ右をして部屋を出た.【形容詞 名詞+】She did a co