- adage日本語の意味:adage n. 格言, 諺.【動詞+】fulfilling the adage that… …のたとえに漏れず.【+動詞】As the old adage says , “Too many cooks spoil the broth." 古い諺が言うように料理人が多すぎると汁ができそこなう.【形容詞 名詞+】an old adage 古い諺as in the old ad
- adageの意味:adage n. 格言, 諺.【動詞+】fulfilling the adage that… …のたとえに漏れず.【+動詞】As the old adage says , “Too many cooks spoil the broth." 古い諺が言うように料理人が多すぎると汁ができそこなう.【形容詞 名詞+】an old adage 古い諺as in the old ad