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発音記号・読み方: [ tʃiə ]  
  • cheer日本語の意味:1cheer n. かっさい, 歓呼; 元気.【動詞+】He acknowledged the cheers of the crowd by saluting. 答礼して群衆の歓呼に答えたHis speech drew cheers from the audience. 彼の演説は聴衆のかっさいを浴びたevoke cheers かっさいを呼ぶgive him a farew
  • cheerの意味:1cheer n. かっさい, 歓呼; 元気.【動詞+】He acknowledged the cheers of the crowd by saluting. 答礼して群衆の歓呼に答えたHis speech drew cheers from the audience. 彼の演説は聴衆のかっさいを浴びたevoke cheers かっさいを呼ぶgive him a farew