発音記号・読み方: [ kraun ]
- crown日本語の意味:1crown n. 王冠; 帝位, 王位; 栄冠; 頭, 頂上; 絶頂.【動詞+】A crown was awarded to the winner of the beauty contest. 美人コンテストの勝者に冠が与えられたcapture the crown for one's team チームに栄冠をもたらすforfeit one's crown 王位を失うA c
- crownの意味:1crown n. 王冠; 帝位, 王位; 栄冠; 頭, 頂上; 絶頂.【動詞+】A crown was awarded to the winner of the beauty contest. 美人コンテストの勝者に冠が与えられたcapture the crown for one's team チームに栄冠をもたらすforfeit one's crown 王位を失うA c